Step 1: Download web driver java client from the location.
Step 2: Extract the zip file, place all the jar files where you want to maintain your test wares.
Step 3: Launch eclipse, create a new workspace, and create a new project
Step 4: Select “Java Project”. Give a project name “AutomationForDummy”.
Step 5: Create a new package and then create a new class.
Step 6: Add external Jars to java build path
Right click on project > select properties > Java build path > Libraries tab > click “Add External JARs”.
- Add selenium Java jar
- Add all other jars in libs folder
Step 7: Add following code in your class
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
the google search engine
Print a Log In message to the screen
System.out.println("Successfully opened google search page");
//Wait for 5 sec
Close the driver
Step 8: Right click on the window > Run as > Java
See the result.